Our Story

We’re Yanan and Hardeep, Certified as Soul Teachers, Soul Communicators, and Tao Calligraphy Teachers by the Tao Academy.

At heart, we’re two “realistic dreamers” building a life together. Throughout our journeys, our biggest fulfillment—in work and life—was when a spiritual teacher or guide led us closer to our souls. In 2012, we quit our jobs and were preparing to open a coffee shop, which we thought was our dream.

Then, the unthinkable happened…

We lost our first pregnancy, and almost lost Yanan.

As the shock wore off…

…we saw what a blessing it had been. The quiet voices of our souls were now booming, trying to wake us up and live our true purpose. We realized it was time for truth.

Eight months later, we sold our condo, packed all our belongings, and drove out west across the country. Living and WWOOFing at organic farms along the way, we arrived in Hawaii at the start of 2013—with no contacts, no connections, and no job prospects. Major Pivot #1.

It took nine more months to realize why Hawaii called us. We met our teacher, Dr. and Master Sha. He connected us deep into the truth of our souls. Our lives—and we—rocketed to new heights of alignment, authenticity, and purpose.

This kept our fires going through many challenges. Be it health (lost our second pregnancy), our teaching careers, our relationship, and finances. No area of life remained untouched. But this was an accelerated journey to mastery, so we had to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We had to burn through the old stories and beliefs along the way.

Then the magic began. Without us trying, people started to get attracted to our light. We got to serve many suffering from pain, fatigue, depression, and more. As we used the healing power we received from our teacher, the light touched many lives, and rippled out to many others.

This brings us to 2023, and major pivot #2. We left Hawaii and moved to Rochester, NY, clearer than ever on how we want to serve. The result is what you’re seeing—Inner Universe Mastery. A guided path for you to follow your soul, overcome burnout, and live your higher potential. And a way for us to pay it forward—to you.

You Can Rewrite Your Story.

"The whole process allowed me to feel empowered, to move forward with action."
"I'm releasing the past more and enjoying the present moment with more gratitude and less worry." 
"My body felt warm from inside out. I could see the light growing, covering my neighborhood and beyond."
"Feel very comforted and focused in the whirlwind of energy during these difficult times."

An initiative by Akasa Wellness | DISCLAIMER: Our services and content are to complement, not replace, any treatments you are using for your wellbeing. The wellness guidance provided here is not a medical diagnosis. We're confident these methods work. But the results depend on your openness and consistency. Our aim is to help you align your inner vibrational field for more wellbeing, effectiveness, and growth. We love you.